Holy Guacamole!

Cover Holy Guacamole!
Holy Guacamole!
Fairbanks, Nancy
Genres: Fiction
4 “Our Cultural Establishment Has Suffered A Great Loss”
Carolyn Jason and I were ensconced comfortably in the padded lounges on our patio, drinking coffee and reading the Sunday papers. Last month we discovered that we could have the Sunday New York Times delivered right to our door, so Jason was reading that while I browsed through the El Paso Times before going into the kitchen to fix brunch—eggs ranchero. Sometimes we have mimosas with them, but after the margaritas last night, I didn’t fee
...l like drinking alcohol. The truth is, I’d been sick during the night, a rare event for me, and I didn’t think I’d had that many cocktails.
Ah well, I felt fine in the morning, and it was such a beautiful day. Blue skies, sunshine, temperatures in the 60s. El Paso can be quite lovely in the winter—at least when there’s no inversion layer to trap toxic air in the river valley. Today the air was so clear that the city below us and the mountains across the border in Juarez stood out in sharp delineation.

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