Heroes At Odds (2011)

Cover Heroes At Odds
Heroes At Odds
Moira J. Moore
Genres: Fiction
We were on our way to Kent to destroy some property. I was so proud.
I had been hoping Taro would talk himself out of his insane scheme to visit destruction upon Kent. I was dead sure anything we did would make things worse for Fiona. But Taro had remained resolute and I hadn’t been able to think of a way to stop him. So there we were, doing something so half-witted I was delighted no one who mattered would ever know about it.
We hadn’t gone far, though, when we heard footsteps behind us. We tu
...rned around swiftly. Then I had to hold back an oath or two behind my tightly clenched teeth.
“Where are we going?” Dias asked in a low voice.
“You’re going back to bed,” I told him.
“Aye, good luck with that.”
“I’m pretty sure whatever you’re doing isn’t sanctioned by anyone,” Mika added. “Or you wouldn’t be doing it in secret.”
I remembered being that naive. Then the Empress sent us to Flatwell to look for Aryne. No one had been allowed to know about that. “It’s Triple S business.”

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