Here Where the Sunbeams Are Green

Cover Here Where the Sunbeams Are Green
Genres: Fiction
He’s sitting behind the counter, gazing down at the binoculars hung around his neck. I give the door an extra rattle, hoping that’ll get his attention, but he keeps ignoring me. I was excited to come here, but now I just want to sneak away, and I would, except that Mom told me to tell Kyle we’ll be gone this morning and would like to have our Spanish lesson this afternoon instead.
“Um,” I say.
Finally Kyle looks up.
“Hola,” he says coolly. As though he’s talking to any old tourist. As though we
... didn’t stand together in the rain yesterday beneath a blue umbrella flower.
“We’regoingtoLaLavathismorningsonoSpanishlessonokay?” I say super quick.
He gazes at me, his eyes dull, barely even golden right now.
“Okay,” he says as though he couldn’t care less.
“Well,” I say, “bye.” I turn and get out of there as quickly as possible.
I’m so bugged by him that I don’t even realize until we’re halfway to La Lava that I forgot to tell him we’d like to have Spanish class this afternoon instead.

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