Hawthornes Country

Cover Hawthornes Country
Genres: Fiction » Children

HAWTHORNES - 1910 - INTRODUCTORY NOTE - S0 considerable a biographical and critical literature has grown up around Hawthorne that it may be wondered whether there is room for still another book about him. Biography has to do mainly with the facts of his i life criticism takes for granted complete knowledge i of Hawthornes works on the part of the reader. I Therefore it seemed to the writer that there was a place for a book on Hawthorne, the aim of which should be to show more explicitly than has heretofore been shown the relation between his life experiences and his work, and to illustrate as completely as possible in the space of one volume the general trend of his genius and the culmination of its various phases. In these days, when the mass of current literature is so enormous that the classics of American literature are in danger of being forgotten, the writer hopes the book may fill the pleasant office of recalling to those who knew Hawthorne well in their youth the spell he then


cast over them that it may have a stimulus to those who have read him not at all or only in part to go to the fountain head and drink to the full of his fancy and wisdom that to a third class, too busy to . read anything but books about books, it may give many glimpses of the genius who has inspired this work of appreciation. The writer desires to express her thanks to Houghton, Mifflin Co. for their kind permission to make quotations from their definitive edition of Hawthornes works. BOSTON A , u gust, 1910. - CONTENTS - Chapter Page 5 I. Far Afield in New England - - I 11. Historical Miniatures - - - 71 111. Puritan Tragedies - - - - 123 1 I IV. The Artist of the Beautiful - - 161 V. The Roxbury Utopia - - - 201 VI. In Wonderland - - - - 237 VII. English Episodes - - - - 263 VIII. Italy as Hawthorne Saw It - - 293 IX. The Elixir of Life - - - - 323 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS A New England Landscape . Frontispiece FACLNO PAGE Nathaniel Hawthorne . . . . . . . . 8 Bowdoh College. As It Was in Hawthornes Day . . 18 Egg Rock. Nahant . . . . . . . . . . 38 Crawford Notch. White Mountains . 50 The Great Stone Face. White Mountains . . . . 64 I Franconia Notch. White Mountains . . . . . . 58 Front and Rear View of No . 12 Herbert Street. Salem l Where Hawthorne Wrote . . . 68 Main Street. Salem . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Witch House. Danvers . . . 92 Gallows Hill, Salem. Children Standing on Gallows Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 IA. View of the Harbor. Old Boston . . . . . . 100 The Old Province House . . . . . . . . . . 104 The Gentle Boy . . . . . . . . . . l26 Old Custom House. Salem . . . . . . . . . 130 Old Court House. Boston. Where City Hall Now Stands 134 Beacon Hill. Boston. in 1809 . . . . . . . . . 13 6 Old State House. Boston . . . . . . . . . 1 . 40 The House of Seven Gables . 148 Garret. House of Seven Gables . . . . . . . . l 50 The Window of the Little Shop. House of Seven Gables 154 Walden Pond . . . . . . .. . 172 The Old Manse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l7 . 6 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FACING Concord River . . . . . . . . . . . FAC . IN . G P A 18 G 0 E Pulpit Rock. Brook Farm . . 216 Tremont Street. Boston. As It Looked in the Days of The Blithedale Romance . . . . 22 Margaret Fullers Cottage. Brook Farm . . . . . 2 30 Tremont House. Boston. in 1840. As It Was When Miles Coverdale WentThere . 234 Websotd yS trLeievte. d B Toshteorne. As . It . Loo . ke . d W . he . n S . op . hia . Pe . a-. .. 2 40 Stockbridge Bowl. Berkshire Hills. Mass . . . . . R 44 The Road to Lenos . . . . . . . . . . 2 48 Graylock From the Lake . . . ... --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.

Hawthornes Country
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