Harsh Lessons

Cover Harsh Lessons
Genres: Fiction
Later, in the cafeteria with her friends at morning “coffee” – which for Leeth, meant two hot chocolates – she overheard some of the other students talking about her.'Miki said the weirdo stared at Jane the whole time.  She said he even got onto the BART with them.'So, others had noticed the strange guy who’d been following her the last few days?'Lezlie, you mean.  Figures: weirdos attract weirdos.''He was out there again today.''Jake said he was waiting there all day yesterday, until classes w...ere over.  Just watching the School….'When they returned to class, Ms Sorensen was late – and Ms Sorensen was never late.  The room was buzzing with speculation by the time she strode in.'Ladies, gentlemen, I would like to introduce another new student.  He'll be joining us shortly, but I need to speak to you all first.  He is a trauma survivor who has been severely emotionally damaged.  He’s joining us in an effort to reconnect with his inner self.'Of course it’s with his permission I’m sharing this personal information with you, since you will need to be especially understanding.  Mr Dennis is suffering from an affect disorder.  He is quite out of touch with his emotions.  This will make him seem cold and distant.  Even robotic.'At those words, a strange chill went through Leeth.  And settled there.'I want no jokes made about his disability.  He tells me he will only need a week or two with us to learn what he needs to know.''So, what, we're like his therapists?'  Tara scowled.  'How is that fair on us?  We're s'posed to be learning drama, not nurse-maiding nutbags.''Tara, I want no jokes or insults.  For each week here with us, Mark Dennis is donating enough to the school to upgrade our audio-visual-cranial systems to cinema-submersive standards.  So: deal.'Leeth heard a heavy tread, and then the creepy guy who’d been following her stepped into the room.  His eyes scanned across the space from left to right, stopping the moment they landed on her.  For several seconds he simply stood, then his eyes continued.  And came back to rest on Jane.From the whispers that started up, Leeth was not the only student to notice.He stepped forward and the room fell silent.'It is very good to be here amongst you all.  Much will be learned.'Leeth’s chill deepened, and she shuddered.  His eyes once more slid to her.  Beside her, Marcie noticed and moved closer, protectively, and Leeth felt her heart swell, warmed.The man lifted his hand, gesturing as if touching buttons in the air in front of him as he faced Leeth.  Across the room, she heard Tara suck in a breath.The man tilted his head.  'Why do these four girls,' he said, pointing to Leeth's group, 'have “L”MoreLess

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