Hardcore - 03

Cover Hardcore - 03
Genres: Fiction
but it did not come. She slid, sparks erupting from her pack, swords and gun, as they connected with debris in the stairwell shaft... massive crunches rent the air, and glancing up, she saw the masonry had caught on an out-jutting of stone, snagging it. Then it broke free, tumbling, falling towards Mel again. Below, she heard Betezh shout and suddenly flip away, disappearing from the shaft. Pippa reached out, catching the lip of ledge and hurling her body through the opening. She hit Betezh, wh...o had just gained his feet, in the back and they both went down like skittles amongst fires and crumbling bricks. A second later, Mel hurtled through the opening, and behind her there came a crunch and dust billowed into the chamber engulfing them, making them cough and choke and clogging nostrils with filth.
"Come on!" snarled Betezh, and they ran under an overhang of crumbling hospital wall, out into a buckled, heaving courtyard. Even as they watched, cracks snaked along the ground and cobbles tumbled away like stone dice into a deep stench-filled crevasse.

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