Gray Panthers: Battle for Earth

Cover Gray Panthers: Battle for Earth
Genres: Fiction
the little pilot wheezed out.
    "Other than that, how did the ship perform Mr. Clause?" Dan managed to ask with a straight face.
    "It is the strangest ship on earth Mr. Daniels.  I have learned to trust my instincts from the way a plane responds to my control.  I sit in the seat and see the instruments telling me what is going on.  I view the monitors and see I am in a heavy spin, yet I sit there with a cup of coffee on my lap that I cannot spill.  The inertial dampeners and gravity plates
... remove every last sense of sensation.  Other than that, it's the hottest bitch on earth that performs everything you want and still leaves you with a case of blue-balls!”
    "Well thanks for that enlightening report Mr. Clause.  How did you find the personality of the ships computer?" Dan finished.
    The test pilot seeing he was done, conceded, "The personality was fine. If I closed my eyes, it could have been any one of two dozen pilots I've flown with before; precise, professional, and even seemed on the verge at times of telling a joke when things were getting stressful.”

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