Glass Houses

Cover Glass Houses
Genres: Fiction
There was nothing to be gained from evasion, and procrastination positively hurt. He knew that from his professional life, and from the time when his wife, Elizabeth, had been dying. He knew it so well that he sometimes dreamed about it. He had no idea why, when he saw his own number flashing at him from the caller ID line on his cell phone, he put the phone back in his pocket and pretended it had never rung in the first place.
Actually, he thought, getting into the cab that would take him home
..., he knew exactly why he had done what he had done, and Alison knew it, too. He hadn’t even needed to tell her who had called.
“Listen,” she said, as they stood together on the sidewalk outside Ascorda Mariscos. “I’ve been waiting for this shoe to drop for months.”
“So have I.”
“I know you have. And it’s not as if—well, as if anything had happened. You’re very old-fashioned in that sort of way, did you know that?”
Gregor did, in fact, know that. It was just that he hadn’t thought of it in those terms.

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