Gideon Smith And the Brass Dragon

Cover Gideon Smith And the Brass Dragon
Genres: Fiction
As he wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, he suddenly felt a longing for the life he had left behind. If he could turn back the clock, would he? If he could just go back to that night when the sea mist rolled in over Sandsend and stop his father Arthur from creeping out to take the Cold Drake fishing, only to die at the claws of the terrible Children of Heqet. Then he would never have met Bram Stoker, never have sought out Captain Lucian Trigger. Adventure would always ...simply be something he read about in the pages of World Marvels & Wonders and longed for from afar.
But he couldn’t turn back time. It had all happened, and Gideon was—by royal appointment—the Hero of the Empire. The tales of Captain Trigger had been exposed as so many fancies and outright lies, and adventuring was not the pure, noble, tidy thing the penny dreadfuls claimed it to be.
He was standing up to his neck in the hole he had singlehandedly dug in the dry dust, seven feet long. He tossed the spade out and climbed up over the lip, accepting Bent’s outstretched hand.

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