Ghouls of the Miskatonic (The Dark Waters Trilogy)

Cover Ghouls of the Miskatonic (The Dark Waters Trilogy)
It was late afternoon, and everything was bleached of color. A fine coating of dust lay on the ornaments, portraits, and knick-knacks, none of which looked like they’d been moved since they were put in place by the first Ma, back in the late seventeen hundreds. Only the threadbare carpet was dust free. Clearly this boarding house was an establishment with a fast turnover of guests.
Oliver and Kate looked around with the awkwardness of strangers appearing in the hall of someone they knew only sl
...ightly and who didn’t want to break anything. Oliver carried the heavy sphere in a carpetbag Kate had brought in order to transport it safely, and the weight of it was beginning to hurt his arm.
Finn appeared on the landing above them and gave them a wave.
“Jaysus, about time you two got yer arses round here,” he said. “I’ve been going bloody stir crazy, so I have. C’mon up, and tell me what ye’ve got.”
They went upstairs and followed Finn into an anonymous room that smelled of sweat, whiskey, and unwashed clothes.

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