Gama And Hest: An Ahsenthe Cycle Companion Novella (The Ahsenthe Cycle)

Cover Gama And Hest: An Ahsenthe Cycle Companion Novella (The Ahsenthe Cycle)
Hurry! Hurry! Wall sent as they drew close.
They all stopped singing on the same note.
Gama’s scalp prickled with sweat. What’s wrong? What’s happened?
I can’t say, Wall sent. It’s too horrible. Just hurry.
They couldn’t hurry and risk spilling their precious water, but they sped their steps as much as they dared — their necks all lit with the dark-gray of worry. Gama wanted to throw off the yoke and run.
Wall threw the gate open. Go to Community Hall, Wall sent. Everyone is there.
Just inside
...Wall, Gama slipped out from under her yoke, being as fast and careful with the buckets as she could. She ran toward Community Hall, Hest and the others alongside her. Gama hardly saw the structures she rushed past.
Hall opened its doors for them but didn’t say anything.
Reln stood on the dais. The soft-green-yellow of relief bloomed on his throat. “We’re very glad to see you.”
A shiver of nerves ran up her breastbone.
“I don’t know any way to say it but plainly,” Reln said.

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