
Cover Furious
Genres: Fiction
Shatan…uh, Lord Shatan…um, Draken?”  Without taking his eyes off the task at hand, Patrick responded, “Lord Shatan is down with the movers.  He has an exceedingly busy schedule this afternoon.”  Glancing up from his task as if something important had just struck him, Patrick turned to Lucia with an intent look on his face and asked, “Would you like me to summon Lord Shatan for you Miss?”  “NO!”  Lucia shouted too quickly.  “I mean no, he’s very busy today.  Let’s not disturb him.”  Changing the... subject she asked, “Who’s moving?”  Patrick raised his eyebrows and gave her a look that said, ‘you must be joking’, before he answered without actually answering, “Lord Shatan has been up for hours taking care of matters.  I recommend you not worry yourself with such masculine affairs.”  As he strode past her he added, “Your breakfast is getting cold Miss,” then closed the door behind him.  Perplexed, Lucia slowly walked to the table and picked up a piece of still-warm bacon.  Chewing on it, she wondered why she could never get a straight answer from Patrick.  She knew that time was of the essence, but she was too famished to allow the delicious smelling breakfast to go to waste.  She made a breakfast sandwich with the toast, eggs, and bacon on the plate.  She ate quickly, taking large gulps of the tall glass of orange juice between bites.  Setting the last bite of the sandwich down on the plate, she drained the glass of orange juice in one swallow, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and tiptoed back to her own room.  In her room, she noticed that her bed had been made, and the bathroom door had been repaired.  She quickly showered and emerged from the bathroom to discover that the clothes she had been wearing the day before were missing from the bedside chair where she’d placed them the night before.  Crossing the room to a large chest of drawers, she opened a drawer to pull out clothing that had been purchased during her stay and that was still kept in her room.  She retrieved white socks, a pair of lacey panties, a pair of blue jeans, and a sky-blue t-shirt.  After dressing quickly, she shoved her feet into a pair of canvas shoes she found at the foot of the bed, brushed her hair back into a ponytail, and applied light make-up.  She couldn’t decide if she was feeling nauseous from the breakfast she’d eaten or from her nerves, but she was positive it was the latter.  Crossing the room to the bedroom door, she opened the door a crack and peeked out into the hallway; it was empty.  Taking a deep breath, she decided she was going to walk straight down stairs, find Patrick and demand he arrange for a taxi to pick her up at the estate’s front gate, where she planned to stand and wait until the taxi arrived.  As she strode from her room, she set her chin defiantly in the air and resolved to not be deterred from her course.  Descending the stairs, she could see that the foyer was buzzing with activity.  Movers in grey suits were filling the vast entrance area with tarp-covered furnishings.  Several movers brushed past her on their ascent up the stairs, each carrying large boxes.  Lucia scanned the floor for Draken and was simultaneously relieved and disappointed not to find him.  Tearing her eyes from the commotion of the movers, she smiled appreciatively to herself as she turned the knob on the front door.MoreLess

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