Signatures of facsimile: a-f⁶, g⁸ Printed in Great Britain "Of this book 200 copies have been printed." With reproduction of original t.-p.: # Here is cōteyned a godely interlude of Fulgens Cenatoure of Rome. Lucres his doughter. Gayus flaminius. # Publi⁹. Corneli⁹. of the disputacyon of noblenes. # is deuyded in two ptyes / to be played at ii. tymes. Cōpyled by mayster Henry medwall, late chapelayne to ye ryght reuerent fader in god Johan Morton cardynall # Archebysshop of Caūterbury. [woodc
...ut] Colophon: # Emprynted at london by Johan rastell dwellynge on the south syde of paulys chyrche by syde paulys cheyne. [Between 1516 and 1533] "A dialogued adaptation of the Controversia de nobilitate written by Bonus Accursius or Buonaccorsi of Pistoia ... of which an English version by the Earl of Worcester was printed in 1481 by Caxton at the end of Cicero's De senectute and De amicitia ..."--Introductory note, p. 14
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