Fruit And Nutcase

Cover Fruit And Nutcase
Genres: Fiction
I think it was the end of term, the day we broke up.
Yes, it was! I’ve just gone back and listened.
Everyone except me and Oliver had gone off to camp and I was stuck in London. Not that I’d have wanted to go to their rotten camp even if I could. Crammed in a barn with Tracey Bigg for two weeks? Ugh! No, thank you!
Just because it was school holidays didn’t mean Mum could stay off work. She still had to go into Bunjy’s and sell bread every day, like Dad still had to clean windows.
We discussed
...what to do about me, and I said that I’d be all right on my own. I don’t mind being on my own! I quite like it, as a matter of fact. The one thing I begged Mum not to do was send me to my nan’s.
I said, “Please, Mum! Please don’t make me go away!”
I mean, partly it was ‘cos I didn’t want to leave Mum and Dad. I just didn’t see how they would be able to manage without me. And partly it was ‘cos I really really hate going to Nan’s. I hate the way she picks on me and the way she grumbles all the time about Mum and Dad being rotten parents.

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