Frozen Fear (2010)

Cover Frozen Fear
Frozen Fear
H. I. Larry
Genres: Fiction
‘Lots of planes? So what! You could be talking about any airport in the world,’ he said.
Fox stared at Zac.
‘Have you got absolutely no idea what the Great Icy Pole’s like?’ Fox blurted out.
Zac shrugged.
‘It’s the remotest, least explored place on earth,’ Fox said. ‘It gets down to minus 40 degrees there in winter. If you so much as go outside without the proper gear on, your eyes will freeze solid in their sockets and your fingers will snap off!’ Now Fox had Zac’s attention. Maybe this Great
...Icy Pole place would be kind of cool after all.
‘Two, maybe three, boats per summer go to the Pole,’ said Fox. ‘They deliver food to the scientists who live at the research station there. But in the last few weeks there’s been a couple of planes a day, as well as lots of boats.’ Zac had to admit it did sound suspicious.
‘So why’s GIB sending me?’ asked Zac. ‘Can’t they check out what’s going on using WorldEye?’ WorldEye is GIB’s whizz-bang satellite.

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