Frozen Assets

Cover Frozen Assets
Frozen Assets
Quentin Bates
Genres: Fiction
Looking out of the window behind Kolbeinn Sverrisson’s head, Gunna could see the masts of the whaling boats that had been there for a decade without putting to sea.
Bára stood by the door while Gunna took the only other chair in Kolbeinn’s cramped and crowded cubbyhole of an office. Every surface was covered with snowdrifts of paperwork, folders, books and papers. The floor could only be seen in the shape of a corridor threading its way between boxes of more files.
‘It’s a mess,’ Kolbeinn sighe
...d. ‘We only moved in here last week and there hasn’t been time to sort anything out yet. We don’t even have phones connected yet.’ ‘How many of you are there here?’ Gunna asked.
‘Just two of us. Me and Ásta full time, then there’s loads of people who donate a few hours a week to the cause.’ Kolbeinn Sverrison was a raw-boned man with cropped dark hair and an open, engaging face cross-hatched with several days’ worth of stubble. Gunna had seen him in the distance at the march and wondered if the anger and passion he had shown then were far below the surface.

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