Fritjof Capra

Cover Fritjof Capra
is derived from the Latin scientia, which means “knowledge,” a meaning that was retained throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The modern understanding of science as an organized body of knowledge, acquired through a particular method, evolved gradually during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The characteristics of the scientific method were fully recognized only during the twentieth century and are still frequently misunderstood, especially by the general public.
...IC METHOD The scientific method represents a particular way of gaining knowledge about natural phenomena. First, it involves the systematic observation of the phenomena being studied and the recording of these observations as evidence, or scientific data. In some sciences, such as physics, chemistry, and biology, systematic observation includes conducting controlled experiments; in others, such as astronomy or paleontology, this is not possible.
Next, scientists attempt to interconnect the data in a coherent way, free of internal contradictions.

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