Freddy And the Perilous Adventure

Cover Freddy And the Perilous Adventure
Genres: Fiction
It was a cleft between two heavily wooded hills. He let down the grapnel as far as it would go, and it disappeared into the treetops, and then there was a tug and he knew it was caught fast. He took a turn of the rope around the cleat, and every time there came a lull in the breeze and the balloon stopped pulling, he would haul in a little of the rope, and thus pull them down towards the earth. Ducks aren’t very strong and they aren’t built for pulling anyway, but they helped as much as they co...uld.
“It’s like—pulling in a big—fish,” panted Emma. “Only we’re—pulling in the earth. I don’t suppose—anybody ever caught—a bigger fish than that.”
“Maybe we could catch the moon next,” said Freddy. “We could hang it up in the barnyard, and then Mr. Bean wouldn’t have to pay any more electric bills.”
“We’d better make sure of the earth first,” said Alice, “before we plan anything else.”
It was hard work and slow work, but at last the balloon was pulled down until the basket was anchored just above a thick limb that grew halfway up a big oak.

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