Four Hundred Billion Stars (2014)

Cover Four Hundred Billion Stars
Genres: Fiction
THE KEEP They took Dorthy straight back to the high camp overlooking the keep, and without even asking her about Kilczer or the twins (she was too dazed and exhausted to volunteer anything) dumped her in the tank of an autodoc. Any halfway competent medical technician could have told them that there was nothing seriously wrong with her—electrolytes out of kilter, histamine reaction, malnutrition, scurvy—but the only medical technician in the survey team had been Kilczer, who was dead.
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...utodoc was a military model. It bypassed her sensorium so that she drifted without sight or touch or taste or hearing, unable to lift even an eyebrow, and cut off her consciousness with Russian sleep while it replaced her blood with artificial plasma, cut in a liver bypass and began to dialyze the toxins that slowly leaked from her cells, flensed away skin and subcutaneous tissue around her many inflammations and stimulated regrowth. A civilian machine would have fed her a diet of soothing induced dreams, of the beach at Serenity, perhaps, or of Tallman’s Scarp on Titan; but this model was efficient, no more.MoreLess

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