Forests of the Heart

Cover Forests of the Heart
Genres: Fiction
Do good and don’t worry to whom. —MEXICAN SAYING SONORAN DESERT, SPRING, 1990 One Friday afternoon in early April, the year Bettina turned sixteen, her grandmother met her as she and Adelita were leaving school. Abuela pulled up at the curb in her dusty pickup and honked to get Bettina’s attention. Beside her, Adelita rolled her eyes and stayed with their friends, but Bettina went running over to the truck. Standing on the running board, she leaned her forearms on the warm metal frame of window and poked her head into the cab. “Abuela. What are you doing here?” “We are going on a journey,” her abuela told her. Bettina grinned. “Adelita,” she said, starting to turn. “Did you hear? We’re—” Abuela touched her arm, stopping her. “Not your sister,” she said. “Only you and me.” “But—” “It’s Chehthagi Mashath,” Abuela explained. “The month of the green moon. And we are going on a pilgrimage to Rock Drawn in at the Middle.” Bettina’s eyes went wide.
Forests of the Heart
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