Forbidden Reading

Cover Forbidden Reading
Genres: Fiction
It would have been the perfect morning to be disoriented; she didn’t recognise the bedroom; couldn’t recall the name of the woman lying by her side; and would have been hard pushed to remember how she had travelled from the church to wherever it was she now resided. The name Sartine nagged at her memory but she couldn’t recall why or whether it was in a good context or a bad one. The insistent trill of the phone wouldn’t allow her the luxury of lazily recollecting any of those details. She hast...ily snatched the mobile from her purse and glanced at the display.
 Private Number  She frowned, contemplated not accepting the call, and then decided there would be no harm in pressing the green key.
‘Hello?’ ‘Justine?’ She recognised Mrs Weiss’s austere tone and breathed a sigh of relief. Since arriving in France the previous day her employer’s was the first familiar voice she had heard. Even though she cared little for the woman, and felt sure her antipathy was reciprocated, Justine surrendered to a wave of gratitude for the call.

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