Flow: the Cultural Story of Menstruation

Cover Flow: the Cultural Story of Menstruation
SHREW. BATTLEAXE, SPITFIRE, NAG. Termagant, if you’re feeling literary, or just plain bitch, if you’re not.There have been derogatory words for moody, temperamental, argumentative women for centuries. When Shakespeare wrote The Taming of the Shrew, after all, he sure wasn’t talking about how to train a small foraging land mammal. The word “bitch” goes back to at least 1400. In an 1811 British dictionary, it’s described as “the most offensive appellation that can be given to an English woman, ev...en more provoking than that of ‘whore.’”While one may ponder at length about which is actually worse, being called a bitch or a whore, the fact remains that society seems to hold the Difficult Woman in a truly special position of distaste and contempt, even hatred. While no one really enjoys being shrieked at by anyone, regardless of the shrieker’s gender, there appears to be far greater dislike of the woman, rather than the man, who blows up, chokes with quivering fury, or sobs with impotent despair.And we’re not just talking about men who hate it.MoreLess

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