Flight of the Outcast (2010)

Cover Flight of the Outcast
Flight of the Outcast
Brad Strickland
Genres: Fiction
One of these, Coriam, is exclusive to members of the Ruling Family and their servants and is off-limits to lesser Aristocrats and, of course, Commoners. Dromia, the second planet from its sun in the same system, became the operational capital of the Human Empyrion in E.Y.S. 1811 and is the site of the Royal Military Academy. A warm-temperate world, Dromia has 1.02 normal gravity, a day of 26.1 Standard hours duration, a year of 640 local days, divided into sixteen months of five eight-day weeks.... Physical features include a permanent North Polar ice cap and a total of six continents, along with many—     Impatiently, Asteria skimmed through the dull parts of the pulsebook until she found the entry for the Academy.
    The Royal Military Academy was founded as the Space Training Center in E.Y.S. 1802, fifty-one years after the translight breakthrough made deep space colonization and communication practical. Its original goal—to prepare crews for exploration, world-seeding, and the transportation of colonists to new worlds—was altered several times, first in E.Y.S 2001 after seven human-standard planets in the Varrian star cluster, all within twenty light-years of Dromia, had been identified, researched, and cleared for colonization.

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