
Cover Firewall
Genres: Fiction
As soon as he heard that Hökberg had had a boyfriend, he should have immediately realised that the truth was more complicated. What Höglund had discovered was a half-truth, and half-truths have a tendency to lead you astray. The result was that he didn't see what he should have seen, and it was a costly mistake. In his darkest hours, he would feel that it had cost a person his life. And it could have led to an even greater catastrophe.That Monday, October 13, Höglund had taken on the job of finding out once and for all if there had been a boyfriend in Hökberg's life. She had brought this up again with Persson, who had persisted in denying that there was one. The only name she gave was Kalle Ryss, with whom Hökberg had been close at an earlier time. Höglund wasn't sure if Persson was telling the truth, but she had not been able to get any further.Höglund drove to the hardware shop where Ryss worked. They had gone into the storeroom to speak undisturbed. In contrast to Persson, Ryss ans...wered simply and apparently truthfully all Höglund's questions.MoreLess
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Guest 4 years ago

Excellent book, very well written, absorbing story and of course a satisfactory ending. The characters were well developed, the atmosphere well created, and it moved along at a good pace, with some anxious moments.

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