Fire the Blood: Dragon Mage Series book Iii

Cover Fire the Blood: Dragon Mage Series book Iii
Genres: Fiction
 In the distance, he could see irrigated and planted fields and beyond that a thriving overgrown jungle.  What he did not see was a dismal death trap not worth the dangers you would have to face to get there.  The island where they stood had palm trees and sandy beaches, and it seemed devoid of ferocious man-eating beasts.  The populace was scantily clad in deference to the heat, and everyone went about the daily business just like any other town he had visited in his travels.  There was,, one difference.
They had landed on the beach in full view of the people, but no one seemed overly surprised at their leader returning home on the back of a giant blue dragon.  They were curious about who they were when they all dismounted and Lux and Asha shifted back, but no one was alarmed or even afraid, as they would be anywhere else.
The town itself appeared prosperous.  Everywhere he looked, there seemed to be an abundance of natural resources.  The gardens were plush and bore succulent fruit, green and fragrant.  The people going about their business, healthy looking and well dressed in colorful sarongs.  There was a verve about them that suggested they had no worries about where their next meal was coming from.

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