Finding Pride (Pride Series)

Cover Finding Pride (Pride Series)
Genres: Fiction
Who, no doubt had been warned by Lacey to keep the conversations short, since everyone had quickly greeted her and moved on. The rooms in the house were quickly warming up and with all the food being brought in, it was started to smell like heaven.       As it was, meat pie was nothing more than beef pot pie in larger quantity. After eating two plates of it; a scoop of potatoes, potato salad, and then washing it all down with some tea, she felt almost human again. She hadn’t realized she could eat so much. It must have been the long flight and stress or maybe just the weather.       After returning her plate to the kitchen, which was full of older women, she began to wander around the rooms. She heard a baby crying and children playing loudly in a room down the hall. Enjoying the warmth she felt from the people around her, she stopped occasionally and chatted with people. Most were polite and had nothing but nice things to say about her brother.
Finding Pride (Pride Series)
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