Financial Giants of America

Cover Financial Giants of America
Genres: Nonfiction

ANDREW CARNEGIETHE most forceful personality which the steel industry of this country has produced was the late Andrew Carnegie. Carnegie's birthplace was Dunfermline, Scotland. He was an impelling force and a great leader in the iron trade of this country. Mr. Carnegie was without a peer in his lifetime in never-failing confidence in the steel industry and in the keenest comprehension of its needs.Carnegie's father was a weaver, who, with his family, emigrated in 1848 to the United States. Beginning life without even the usual school education, young Carnegie worked^ in various humble positions in Pittsburgh, where he found employment in a telegraph office and obtained a footing in the railroad world. The basis of the immense fortune he was able to amass was due to his connection with the iron works which he established in Pittsburgh ,and which subsequently developed into the vast industry of the Carnegie Steel Co.The Carnegie company in February, 1901, was, with a number of oTable of


Contents CONTENTS; J Ogden Armour August Belmont Andrew Carnegie William A Clark Samuel P Colt William E Corey James B Duke T Coleman DnPont Alexander R Erskine Henry Ford Elbert H Gary King C Gillette Daniel Guggenheim Henry J Heinz Samuel Insull Cyrus H HcCormick John P Morgan, Sr John H Patterson Henry Phipps Daniel G Reid William A Rockefeller John D Ryan Charles M Schwab Quincy Adams Shaw James A Speyer Louis F Swift ' : Cornelius Vanderbilt Sidney AV Winslow William M Wood William Wrigley, Jr About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to acc

Financial Giants of America
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