Fencing You in

Cover Fencing You in
Genres: Fiction
When they got to the station, John set them up in a room where they could examine the tapes. Gage helped with identifying people they knew who were at the club that night. Each person they recognized was called down to the station to be interviewed.The entire time Gage felt wound so tightly he might explode. It was going so damned slow and he had no idea where to start looking. If someone showed up who had seen the man in the hoodie or had witnessed the man taking Tess, and recognized him, then they’d have something to go on.And they’d have a tough time keeping Gage from killing the bastard if Tess had been hurt one damned bit.Because they’d both lived in Prescott for their entire lives, Jo and Gage recognized several people. Megan and Tess had lived in the town for less than two years, but due to running a restaurant and bar part-time, Megan was able to identify a few individuals whom Jo and Gage didn’t know.Detective Reese McBride, another one of Gage’s cousins, stepped in with his ...partner, Detective Kelley Petrova.MoreLess
Fencing You in
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