
Cover Feast
Genres: Fiction
Anne believed it with all her heart, but she also knew better. Hiding meant surviving, and survival was the name of the game. Sometimes an enemy could be defeated simply by staying alive long enough for something else to kill it for you. In this case, hiding meant the human race as it had evolved over millions of years, still had a chance to reclaim the planet from what ExoGen had done to it.
She believed that even more than she believed hiding equaled cowardice. But was that really how she fel
...t, or were those her mother’s emotions leaching into her, along with her memories and knowledge? Or maybe she was having a similar emotional response to those memories? She was her mother’s daughter, after all, even more than the average daughter.
Shawna the maid, who wasn’t really a maid, but had been dressed up like one, led her to a large bedroom at the back of the house. It had a king size bed, perfectly made with the fluffiest, most inviting comforter set that Anne had ever seen. As she walked past the bed, part of her longed to climb into it, fall asleep and forget the world and her part in it.

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