F*cking Awkward

Cover F*cking Awkward
I order, tapping the rim of my shot glass.     “Are you sure?” Heidi, my best friend asks with a raised brow.     See, she’s usually the wild one and I’m the voice of reason. I’ve talked her out of many a shot of tequila more times than I can count. Our roles being reversed, is a first for her.     Normally, I don’t drink and I don’t like feeling out of control. Tonight, I don’t want to feel anything.     At first, when I told her my plans for the evening she laughed. I don’t blame her.     She isn’t laughing now.     “Yep, then we’re going to find me a guy to fuck.”     She blinks at my use of the f word.     See, that isn’t something the old me would think, let alone say. That is of course until I found out my fiancé was cheating on me, with another man.     I, Sasha Elizabeth Haven, have been the unknowing beard to Paul Donovan Wilson for god knows how long.
F*cking Awkward
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