Fallen Angels

Cover Fallen Angels
Genres: Fiction
Peewee said. Walowick had a catalogue from the college he wanted to go to when he got back to the World and Peewee was telling him what to take.
“I’m no good in math,” Walowick said. “I think I’ll take music or something like that. Something easy.”
“Why don’t you go to the University of Chicago?” Brunner said. “That’s got a good reputation. Who ever heard of Knox College?”
“That sounds like that School of Hard Knocks I been hearing about,” Peewee said.
“Knox is good and it’s in my hometown,” Wa
...lowick said. “My cousin went there.”
“They got any brothers going to that school?” I asked.
“The first colored senator went to Knox,” Walowick said. “The whole town has a good history with helping coloreds and stuff like that. The underground railroad used to go through Galesburg.” “You study math like I told you,” Peewee said in a gruff voice. “Then I’ll let you come to Chicago and be a big-time numbers man.”
“Walowick would rather stay over here than go to Chicago,”

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