Fabulous Five 017 - Celebrity Auction

Cover Fabulous Five 017 - Celebrity Auction
Genres: Fiction
"You're not feeling sick again, are you?" asked Beth, looking at her friend in alarm. "Oh, no," Melanie assured her, but Beth suspected that she was trying to assure herself more than anyone else. "I'm completely over the shock now." "Uh-oh," said Katie. "I hate to change the subject, but look who's by the front door." Beth glanced up and stopped cold when she saw Steve Melchior and his friends leaning against the building with amused smiles on their faces as they watched the rest of the students troop in. Tall and thin, Steve wore his light brown hair cropped so closely that from a distance he almost looked bald. With him were Tucker Cobler, John Mauhl, and Jay Romberg. Tucker had a medium build and blond, curly hair. John, short and roly-poly, had straight brown hair that brushed his shoulders. Jay was athletic looking with dark hair cut in the latest style. But as different as they looked from each other, they had one thing in common. All four were troublemakers. They also stuck together.
Fabulous Five 017 - Celebrity Auction
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