
Cover Evolution
Genres: Fiction
Circa 52,000 years before present.
The two brothers pushed the canoe out from the riverbank. “Careful, careful— to my left. All right, we’re clear. Now if we head to the right I think we can get through that channel.” Ejan was in the prow of the bark canoe, his brother Torr in the stern. Aged twenty and twenty-two respectively, they were both small, slim, wiry men with nut dark skin and crisp black hair.
They maneuvered their boat through water clogged with reeds, tangled flood debris, and stranded trunks. The trees lining the banks were cheesewood, teak, mahogany, karaya, and tall mangrove. A tremendous translucent curtain of spiderwebs hung over the forest, catching the light and dimming the intensity of the green within. But the heat lay over the river like a great lid, and the air was drenched with light. Already Ejan was sweating heavily, and the dense moist air lay thick in his lungs.
It would have been hard to believe that this was the middle of the latest glaciation, that in t
...he northern hemisphere giant deer roamed in the lee of ice caps kilometers’ thick.MoreLess
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