Everything She Ever Wanted

Cover Everything She Ever Wanted
Genres: Fiction
. . Pat was back there. . . talking with Tom.  . . . Chief of Police Godfrey was up at theother end of the hall talking with this hippie girl .  . . she had justtaken a shower and was complaining about no towels. "How was she dressed?" "She wasn't dressed." "Did that attract any attention from the policemen?" Several jurors smiled and a few gallery members tittered. "Several.  Yes, sir.  . . . Detective Zellner leaned around thecorner. He called someone to come there, and I turned and saw it was OfficerMcBurnett." "And could Officer McBurnett see the defendant, Tom Allanson?" "Yes, sir." Garland ended his questioning there.  Had the jurors understood thatthis prior viewing would have further contaminated McBurnett'sidentification of Tom in the lineup? Ed Garland knew in his bones that Pat had concocted a story for Tom totell, believing her version would fly better than what he might say. Garland didn't want Tom on the stand, and he certainly would not putPat on the stand; she was so u...nstable emotionally that he couldn'tpredict what she might do.  So Garland was left with a defense thatonly nibbled at the edges of the questions in the jurors' minds. Bill Weller kept making sarcastic references to the fact that most ofTom's witnesses were "horse people," as if that would automaticallymake them lie for him.  Bill Jones, the liquor store eyewitness, hadbeen pretty well tainted as a defense witness.  So Garland could onlychip away at the lineup and at Carolyn Allanson's reputation forhonesty. None of it was really enough to fight double murder charges. There was a hush in the courtroom as an old man made his way to thewitness stand.  Walter Allanson-Paw-had come to testify for hisgrandson in a murder trial where his own son and daughter-inlaw werethe victims.  He had loved Tommy since the day he was born.  He didn'tlook like a sentimental man.  Actually, he appeared to be aweather-beaten old cuss whose expression reflected no discernibleemotion. "Did you have occasion, Mr.MoreLess
Everything She Ever Wanted
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