Ep.#6 - "head of the Dragon" (The Frontiers Saga)

Cover Ep.#6 - "head of the Dragon" (The Frontiers Saga)
Genres: Fiction
Mister Willard announced from the back seat of the jump interceptor.
“We’re currently two light days from Takara,” Josh announced from the front seat of the cramped cockpit.
Mister Willard reached up to one of several electronics boxes that had been temporarily secured to the top of the dashboard cowling in front of him and pressed a button. “Transmitting dropout signal.”
“Any idea what’s in the message?” Josh asked.
“I did not ask.”
“How could you not ask?”
“I did not need to know,” Mister Wil
...lard stated. “Fifteen seconds to drone intercept.”
“But you’re the one sending the message. Seems like you of all people should know what’s in it.”
“If I had needed to know, they would have told me,” Mister Willard insisted. “Besides, I am not the one sending the message; I am only the one transmitting it to the drone.”
“It still doesn’t seem right.”
The sensor suite beeped at Mister Willard. “New contact,” he stated. “It is the comm-drone.

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