
Cover Enticed
Genres: Fiction
Evil to some is always good to others." Jane Austin When the taxi pulled into the kerb, Spence and I all but scrambled out the windows, heaving for fresh air. The driver and his taxi stank. The combination of garlic-charged body odour festering for hours on end in terry-towelling seat covers with no air conditioning, was pungent. From the moment Spence closed the door we"d been holding back the gag reflex as we tried desperately to stick our heads out the small openings the jammed windows permitted. Stumbling onto the footpath, my head was spinning with a combination of car sickness and repulsion. Spence took in a few deep breaths. „Wow, that was …" he scrunched his face while flapping his T-shirt – aerating. „Yeah," I said, gasping for breath for a few cleansing intakes of fresh air, too. Spence waited patiently while I took a moment to right myself. I hate riding in the back of cars at the best of times. „Okay," I said eventual y as I stood straight and started to register my surroundings.
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User Reviews:

Guest 5 years ago

Honestly, the books aren't bad, but She took the anger between the main characters to far. Other than that and the constant mistakes it's ok.

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