Encyclopedia Brown Solves Them All

Cover Encyclopedia Brown Solves Them All
Encyclopedia Brown Solves Them All
Donald J. Sobol
Genres: Fiction
It was to knock Encyclopedia flatter than an elephant’s instep.
Bugs hated being outsmarted by the boy detective. But whenever he felt like throwing a punch, he remembered Sally Kimball.
Sally was the prettiest girl in the fifth grade. It wasn’t her face, however, that the toughest Tiger remembered. It was her fists.
Sally had done what no boy under fourteen had even dreamed of doing. She had outfought Bugs Meany.
Bugs told everyone that Sally had hit him with a few lucky punches. Nobody believ
...ed his story, including Bugs himself. He thought she had hit him with a milk truck.
Because of Sally, Bugs never bullied Encyclopedia. Sally was the detective’s junior partner.
“Bugs hates you more than he hates me,” En cylopedia said as the partners sat in the Brown Detective Agency one afternoon. “You can be sure he’ll try to get even.”
Sally agreed. “He’s like a thermometer in hottest Africa,” she said. “He’s always up to something.”
Just then Duke Kelly, one of Bugs Meany’s Tigers, entered the garage.

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User Reviews:

Guest 2 years ago

This book is good. I like how they don't immediately tell you the answers to the mysteries, but put the answers at the end of the book.

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