Enamored: the Submissive Mistress (Special Double-Length Episode) (The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle)

Cover Enamored: the Submissive Mistress (Special Double-Length Episode) (The Erotic Adventures of Jane in the Jungle)
Time crawled or slid by—she wasn’t certain. Shadows lengthened. Her knees and palms ached from being slammed against the unforgiving floor, and from pressing into it for hours.
It had to be hours.
She’d stopped sobbing. Her buttocks had stopped burning, though they still twinged occasionally. But her sex was still swollen and ready, painfully engorged and needy.
I should have begged. I should have asked.No. Doing so would give him too much power over her.
But he has all the power already. What
...difference does it make now?Your pride, Jane. Your own mind.I don’t care. I’ve had worse. All I want is to save Papa. And to end this torture!Jane’s mind bartered with itself, arguing and pleading in an exhausting whirlwind. Her knees were trembling, her shoulders ached, and she was tempted to allow herself to sink to the floor.
No one was around. She’d heard nothing, not one sound for hours. No one would see.
He wouldn’t see.
And what if she eased her knees together, just a little.

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