Ellie Quin book 2: the World According to Ellie Quin

Cover Ellie Quin book 2: the World According to Ellie Quin
Genres: Fiction
Looking back with the clear vision of hindsight, it is obvious that by Ellie Quin’s time, behind the velvet glove of the Colonial Administration, the real power lay with large system-wide business interests. Studying this fascinating period of history, their steady influence on the Administration’s governance of Human Space is almost impossible to ignore. However, at the time, although it was apparent to those few who chose to open their eyes and see it, for the vast majority of human citizens ...the omnipresence of only a few dozen corporations in every city, on every planet, must have been an acceptable norm.
History has shown us again and again, that when the value of an endeavour is measured solely in profit, something will always go wrong. The best example of this principle was the terraforming industry. This was dominated by only a handful of corporations competing aggressively for contracts, and rushing the delicate processes of atmosphere conversion to reduce their operating costs.

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