
Cover Echo
Genres: Fiction
Even, perhaps, take your chances with a killer whale. Just be careful, when you do, that you’re facing a male, and not an outraged mother.
—Stellar Kamarides, Marching Orders      He pulled the trigger. The thing screeched, raised two claws, and pounded the earth. It looked around, picked up a rock, and hurled it against the hull. It did everything except freeze.
Alex reluctantly reset. For lethal.
“You can do that,” I said, “but if it works, we’ll have to kill the cub, too.”
He looked at me. “
...You have a better suggestion?”
“Not really.”
The cub’s face appeared in one of the viewports. Mom saw it and got even louder. “All right,” said Alex. “Maybe we can manage something.”
“Good. I knew you’d come up with an idea.”
“But set for lethal. Anything goes wrong, we take the thing out.”
“If we can.”
“Yes. Well, let’s hope we don’t have to find out.”
“So what do we do?”
“First we have to take out some of the wall. The hole has to be big enough for the creature to get through.

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