
Cover Dumfries
Genres: Fiction
Johnboy said tae Tony, nodding at the cackling pair in front ae them.       “Ach, Stu’s okay, so he is,” Tony said, smirking, as the sound ae guffaws filtered back tae them.       Johnboy sat and gazed at the grinning faces.  Snappy wis leaning forward o’er his machine, listening tae whit Stu, who wis twisted aroond in his seat, wis saying.  Johnboy could see Snappy’s shoulders shaking wae laughter.       “Ur ye no supposed tae be working, Johnston?” Dickheid Dick, the SO growled at him, as he heided back tae the beasts’ table at the tap ae the workshoap, efter sitting drinking cups ae tea in the office fur the previous hauf an hour.       “And ur ye no supposed tae be up at that tap table, hard at daeing sweet fuck aw, protecting yer beastie boys?” Snappy retorted.       “Jist you watch that mooth ae yers, Johnston.  Ah’m no here tae take any lip fae scum like you,”
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User Reviews:

Guest 4 years ago

Things that happen in this book ring true a young father hanging hiself I the cells after being taunted the poaching of wild life the paying back of a kindness to some one who took you in and saving a young pup all rings true a book you must read

Guest 4 years ago

Another god one from Ian todd six I’ve read upto date one better than the other would recommend these books to anyone

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