Drednanth: a Tale of the Final Fall of Man

Cover Drednanth: a Tale of the Final Fall of Man
Janya personally wouldn’t have minded staying longer. In fact, for a short time she actually seriously considered disembarking altogether, and maybe not even asking them to swing by on their way back in to pick her up.Greentemple had a library.The books were mostly electronic, but the data could be uploaded onto blank electro-vellum volumes specifically designed for the purpose, pages of flimsy bound in convincing facsimiles of wood and leather and showing the uploaded book as if it had been pr...inted there a thousand years ago. There were also genuine volumes, both in flimsy and on other media rarer and more fragile. All but the most ancient of these – which Janya had access to on the weight of her academic ID – were impressively difficult to distinguish from the uploads. Janya spent a solid thirty-two hours of her shore leave doing much what she did during space flight – just doing it a lot more intensively.The library, simply called Central, was the main repository of knowledge in the mostly-automated capital region of the tiny island city-state of Say Sorry (Claws).MoreLess

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