
Cover Dragonwyck
Genres: Fiction
The church was crammed with representative Greenwich families—Meads, Reynoldses, Pecks, Closes, and Husteds.
Ephraim and Abigail in a front pew nodded decorously at these friends and neighbors who had all turned out to honor the young couple. Ephraim's satisfaction was increased by the absence of the Reverend Noah Coe, whose eight years of unpopular ministry had culminated last week in his stormy dismissal by the Society.
Well, Coe's gone at last and good riddance, thought Ephraim, eyeing the R
...everend Clark, the young substitute pastor, who had been brought in temporarily until the Consociation should decide on a permanent incumbent. A sound minister and a fine new stone church, that's what we need. I daresay I can squeeze out a couple of hundred, Bob Mead and Eliphalet Peck'll do considerably better—He started as Abigail nudged him.
'Hurry, Ephraim; they're waiting,' she whispered. Recalled to his duty, he hastened down the aisle and took Tabitha on his arm as the congregation cleared their throats and struck up 'Rock of Ages.' Tibby looks lovely, thought Miranda with pride as she followed her sister and father up the aisle.

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