Dragon's Heart

Cover Dragon's Heart
Genres: Fiction
But I do, Dark Lord. It is you who has forgotten the strength of a Dam.
Draakar moved to stand directly behind her. He did not touch her, though every cell in his body cried out to him to fuse himself to her. To join with her. To take what he had a right to.  The temptation to finally be able to come into his full power and save his people made him want to rush things, but he could not give into it. It took all of his will not to touch her. He could not let his need rule his actions. He made th
...e error once already; he would not make it again. This time, he would not lose her.
They had to find their way through their separate pasts to each other, to a future together. They were born to be together. Their emotions were already engaged, but the physical side of their joining would have to wait on her trust. Right now, her vulnerability made her a very dangerous Dam. One who had not learned to control and harness her magicks.  Maya had enough power to change into dragon form on Akgon and here on Earth.

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