
Cover Destined
Genres: Fiction
Laurel’s ears adjusted gradually, and soon she could hear groans and murmurs of pain from the wounded faeries and the buzz of the sentries on the walls as they spread the news to those who couldn’t see for themselves.
Tamani was favouring one of his shoulders and his eyes were wary as he and David approached Jamison’s circle of Am Fear-faire.
“Did we win?” Chelsea whispered. “Can Jamison close the gate?” Tamani immediately shook his head.
“It’s not over,” he said softly. “If it was, my sentries
... would have come through to tell us.” He gritted his teeth. “Klea and Yuki are still on the other side.” “Nevertheless,” Jamison said, his gesture taking Tamani and David in together, “if we do not take the battle to them, they are sure to bring it back to us eventually.” “We have a decent force assembled here. I’ll lead them through,” Tamani said.
“Let me,” David said softly, raising the sword.

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