Desert of the Damned

Cover Desert of the Damned
Genres: Fiction
COVERED LIKE A TENT REIFEL FELT pretty slick when he slipped out of the house, made his way to the barn and got a saddle on the roan without making enough noise to bring a whinny from the cavvy. A long half hour of slow and circuitous riding brought the rolling hogbacks of the Winchesters into view and gave him sufficient confidence to put Turner’s rangy roan to a lope. He aimed to miss Dry Bottom and catch the Lordsburg road at Cochise. There he proposed to change horses and again at Pearce an...d afterwards, by way of Elfrida and McNeal, cut south to Douglas where he would get a new outfit and perhaps drop in for a visit at his bank.
If Gert had gone through his pockets, such an expedition might very well have considerable to do with her too obvious anxiety to enlist his aid on behalf of Boxed Y. He was pretty well heeled, having all that money he had taken from Breen save the six hundred bucks he’d left Turner for the roan. Twenty-four hundred simoleons in the pockets of a wounded saddle tramp would go a long ways towards interesting a girl who was scrambling to save a busted cow outfit.

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