Deliver Us From Evie

Cover Deliver Us From Evie
Genres: Fiction
Dad and Evie liked Western tapes. They played them when they were riding around on the tractor or in the pickup or when they were working down in the barn.
Mom liked Western stuff, too, but she was curious about all sorts of other music: Streisand was a favorite, and Whitney Houston, and she liked old Beatles tapes and Elvis ones.
There were several tapes strewn around the parlor with the other gifts.
I think Mom decided music would get us all past the arguing that kept erupting that morning li kernels of corn popping out on a hot pan just when you thought there weren’t any left under the ones that’d already blown.
She was fixing a tape in the player after Dad had finished going over his meeting in the church aisle with Mr. Duff again, and Evie’d said again she didn’t give a ding-dong-damn what Mr. Duff said!
“She’s still in high school, Evie!”—Dad.
“She’s one year younger than I am, and a hundred years more experienced than I am!”
“What kind of experience are you talking about?”

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