Death of Secrets

Cover Death of Secrets
Genres: Fiction
He knew Nathan Jacobs; knew that they shared a tendency to behave like workaholics. So he fully expected to find the federal employee in the office on Sunday.
Carlos grinned, wondering what his old employers would think if they knew who was handling security for Electron Guidewire. But they didn't.
There were a lot of things about EG they didn't know.
And he meant to keep it that way, which was the purpose of his phone call. He dialed the number for Nathan Jacobs' office, planning to tell him a
...bout the recent attempted electronic break-in at EG. Since they were the client for GigaStar, they deserved to know about security threats to the program. But even to him, it felt a bit crazy. Alerting the government to a possible investigation at the company when they were trying to hide something from them seemed backwards. But any good martial artist could tell you that victory was easiest to attain when you could turn your enemy's force against him. By channeling the NSA into wondering about external threats, he hoped to keep them from looking at the internal problems – such as the entire GigaStar team being dead.MoreLess

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