Death of a Nurse

Cover Death of a Nurse
Genres: Fiction
—Oscar Wilde Betty Freeme was a sturdy woman in her late twenties with ginger hair, freckles, and pale-blue eyes. She did wonder why the colonel needed a nurse. He asked to be pushed around in a wheelchair, but any suggestion of bathing him or putting him to bed was met with horror. At last, she decided he was lonely with his wife being away. He seemed to want to talk a lot.     The colonel got her to talk about the agency and then asked if the late Gloria Dainty and Helen Mackenzie had been friends.     “Oh, them!” laughed Betty. “I’d say they hated each other. They were all right for a bit. Both were working locally and got together on their nights off. Then Gloria started dating that chap Malky, the one who murdered her, and I saw them out in front of the agency one day shouting at each other, but I couldn’t hear what they said.”     “And what did the police say when you told them this?”     “They didn’t ask me.
Death of a Nurse
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Guest 5 years ago

This book will not load, can someone please fix it. I have read all of the others up to here. Really love the characters. Hamish needs a woman who will love him for himself and not try to change him.

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