Death of a Mystery Writer

Cover Death of a Mystery Writer
Genres: Fiction
He was in his early forties, his light brown hair still untouched by gray, his face mobile and candid, and his eyes dancing with pleasure and mischief and joy in life. Whatever effects a policeman’s lot had on other members of the force, it did not seem to have robbed Inspector Meredith of a boyish zest for experience. Even when the rest of his face was trying on other expressions for size, his eyes said he was enjoying himself hugely, rippling like a lake in a spring breeze. At the moment he l...ooked more as if he had just solved a difficult case instead of being just about to begin one.
The eyes, darting lithely, took in Bella and Terence, both apparently relaxed in their chairs, but looking at him tensely; took in Mark, indefinably crumpled, but managing a certain dignity as he sat comforting his mother; took in Miss Cozzens and the odd mixture of respectability, disapproval, efficiency, and covert enjoyment somehow mingled in her face and stance; took in Lady Fairleigh-Stubbs, struggling to wipe away the tears from her long, mobile, distinguished face.

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